I've noticed, quite immediately actually, that the most tenuous part of having owning a blog isn't (or wasn't, I guess) the initial set up as I had forever thought it would be. Oddly, I feel that filling this page will prove to be as arduous as reading it afterwards is sure to be.
Anyway, I'm going to start selling my art on here. Bids start at 10 dollars. I'll sign them or whatever.
This is the first piece I've done in this format, but I plan to continue on this line -not that I'm at all capable of planning what will strike me next.
Painted on roughly 150 square inches of cardboard I hand-ripped from a box that once held something. I used the negative space around the head to mix paint, but I think it adds a certain tu-ne-sais-qois.
10 dollars
More to come.